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Residence Permit (Dependant)

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  • Residence Permit (Dependant)


Dependants permit is issued to dependants of expatriates and Ghanaian nationals who have acquired foreign passports including spouses, children and other dependant. Spouses are eligible for this permit when married for more than 4 years.

1. Application letter requesting for residence permit
2. Two passport sized photographs (applicant)
3. Copy of bank statement/ indenture
4. Letter of consent from child’s parents (where applicable)
5. Copy of birth certificate of child
6. Statutory declaration (affidavit) by guardian from the high court
7. Two guarantors with copies of their Ghanaian passport/national identification card
8. Copy of marriage certificate (where applicable).
9. Letter of support from principal guarantor
10. Sign a bond form at the closest Immigration Office
11. Copy of Non-Citizen Identification card (applicant)